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Sugardaddy´s bad past

A Sugar Daddy with a Bad Past: How to Cope

You performed a background check and realized your date was a bad man in the past. He did some things that if your relatives and friends knew, they would say, "OMG! Keep away from this guy!" So how does a young woman keep her peace of mind dating a man with a sordid past?

She questions him.

Once she discovers that her date doesn't have a squeaky clean past, a young woman will attempt to get her date to talk about it. Depending on what the guy says when it comes to conversing about his past will determine whether she will feel most comfortable about it being just that, the past. However, if there are recent events or things said that sound like the Sugar Daddy is still mixed up in his past, she will not be comfortable around him and may end the relationship prematurely.

She talks to others who may have been in a similar situation.

For her own peace of mind, she has to look beyond herself and what he says. She isn't interested in just taking her Sugar Daddy's word if she doesn't feel like he has said or done enough to put her at ease. So she will consult with someone, maybe outside of her circle, to get further understanding about his past situation. This will unfortunately put her date at risk of being judged by others if certain family members find out. It would be best to talk with a stranger.

She performs personal research.

Some women may not be satisfied with one conversation about something that a mate did in the past. So she will want to learn more. The more she finds out, the more she will either feel at peace or worry all the more. When feelings of worry begin to take their toll, it is then that she might say and do things that spark arguments. Over time, the relationship might come to an end. No one wants to keep being reminded of their past either directly or indirectly. If what her Sugar Daddy has done bothers her that much, she would be better off moving on with her life, rather than throwing up his past to him every chance she gets.

She might lean on her faith, if she has one.

According to many couples who have a religious faith, God plays a part in their relationships. People who have suffered for years behind past decisions trust in their Creator to help them look beyond their past. So for some young women they pray and consult with men and women of faith to help them make wise decisions when it comes to dating certain men.

She makes a determination whether she can tolerate his past.

After much conversation with her Sugar Daddy, time of reflection, and consulting with others, a young woman reaches a point in the relationship on whether being with this man who is buying her affections with a shameful past is worth continuing to date.
When thinking about dating a Sugar Daddy or anyone else, always find out who these people truly are before giving up your address, gifts, and body.

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